Beginner Bulk Cycle
Testosterone Cypionate 250 MGS week 1-4
Deca Durabolin 150 MGS week 1-4
Dianabol 50 MGS every day 1 hour before training. For 3-4 weeks max
Aromasin (Anti estrogen) half tab every 2 days
Advanced Bulk Cycle
Test Enanthate 500 MGS per week
NPP 300 MGS per week
Equipoise 300 MGS per week
Anadrol 50 MGS everyday 1 hour before workout & with meal 1 on rest days.
Beginner Cut Cycle
Testosterone Cypionate 250 MGS per week
Masteron Propinate 150 MGS per week
Anavar 40 MGS everyday 1 hour before gym and with meal 1 on rest days.
Half tab Arimidex every day
Advanced Cut Cycle
Testosterone Cypionate 400 MGS per week
Trenbolone Acetate 300 MGS
Masteron Enanthate 300 MGS
Anavar 80 MGS
1 tab Arimidex daily
Advanced Bulking Stack
Testosterone 400 800 MGS per week
Trenbolone Enanthate 400 MGS per week
Equipoise 600 MGS per week
Turinabol 60 OR Dianabol 75 MGS everyday 1 hour before workout and with meal 1 on rest days (with proper clean high calorie diet)
Aromasin full tab every other day
Advanced Cutting Stack
Trenbolone Enanthate 750-1000 MGS per week
Trenbolone Acetate 200 MGS per week
Masteron Propionate 300 MGS per week
Primobolan 500 MGS per week
80 – 100 MGs Anavar everyday
50-75 MCG Clenbuterol Monday to Friday (weekends no clen), 50 MCG in AM then a half tab 8 hours later again
Aromasin full tab every other day
Understanding the health implications of anabolic steroids is vital. These substances carry significant risks, necessitating informed decisions and professional guidance. Prior to use, consulting healthcare experts is crucial to grasp the full spectrum of potential side effects. These can range from cardiovascular complications and hormonal imbalances to psychological effects. Adhering to the recommended dosages and treatment durations is imperative. Regular health check-ups should be a top priority to monitor any adverse effects. Particularly for adolescents, the use of anabolic steroids is discouraged due to the risk of negatively impacting growth and development. Exploring safer and more natural fitness methods is advisable to maintain overall health and well-being. If the use of anabolic steroids is considered, it should always be under the strict supervision of qualified healthcare professionals. This ensures that any potential health risks are managed effectively and responsibly.